
As Santa Monica Neighbors Unite! we are a local multigenerational community coalition that commenced in July 2011 to deepen our peace presence, sustainability practices and economic justice commitments with renewed energy and imagination.  It is exciting to see us come together as adolescents, youths, adults, family, friends and neighbors who share a love for our city, its natural beauty, its diverse and welcoming community.  We believe in the leadership and influence that Santa Monica can assert beyond our eight square miles.

Inspired by the city’s Task Force on the Environment, we are currently building understanding and support for a Sustainability Bill of rights ordinance, asserting our community rights to recognize the rights of Nature and to subordinate corporate interests.  It is time to vitalize our humanity, health and well-being and take seriously what our United States Constitution asks of us, as “We, the People, in Order to form a more perfect Union.”

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